

March 30, 2019

Thanks to the dental x-rays we can see in detail, in areas where the visual exploration does not reach, if we have caries, the state of our bone or other alterations that require treatment or observation by the dentist.


Digital dental radiography is a fundamental diagnostic technique for our dentists as it allows them to make a more accurate diagnosis by detecting possible problems that the patient may have in the mouth and that in a first visual examination have not been visible.

In a first visit, the dentist may order several x-rays to determine the current situation of your oral health and assess possible changes that may occur later. In successive check-ups, new x-rays may be necessary to detect new caries, assess the state of the gums or even check the growth and development of the jaws.


We must differentiate several types of dental x-rays available at the service of the dentist depending on the area or problem you want to evaluate:

-Panoramic radiography (orthopantomography): this is a general radiography of the entire mouth of the patient in which we can observe the state of the jaws and teeth.

-Periapical radiography: it is a more specific radiography of a specific area. With it we can see the state of two or three pieces, in detail, observing from the root to the crown.

Interproximal radiography: also known as “bite fin”, it allows us to see in detail the points of contact between the molars and premolars.

Lateral radiography: also known as “telerradiography”, is less used, but no less important, especially if we speak of orthodontics, as it serves to evaluate the relationship between the jaws and skull, as well as possible deviations of the bite.

Dental CT: which will show us a three-dimensional image of the mouth, as well as a large amount of detailed information thanks to the computer advances available to these machines.


The new models of radiological devices we have are designed to limit our body’s exposure to radiation, and we take every precaution to keep exposure as low as possible. For this purpose, in our clinics, we have plumb aprons for adults and children that minimize exposure of the abdomen, and thyroid protectors to protect the thyroid gland.

In cases in which the patient is pregnant, she must inform the dentist, who will assess the pros and cons of performing the radiological study, and if it is done, we will proceed using all available means of protection.


The dentist will tell us when and what type of x-ray we will need each, so we must rely on the indications of our professionals.

Nowadays the radiological apparatuses that we have in Asisa Dental are digital and of last generation, in addition we use all the methods of radiological protection, reason why we do not have to fear its use since the radiations received are going to be minimum.

Jesús Castillo de Miguel, Coordinator a clinic of Asisa Dental