

June 25, 2019

Many people have periodontal or gum problems and are unaware of their existence. It is a long illness, with few symptoms of pain. It is rarely seen in dental check-ups and is normally due to poor periodontal health.

The gums should be pink, not bleeding and firm. The carnosity that surrounds the teeth and molars should be firm, surrounding part of the root of the tooth.

The problem usually begins with a gingivitis or inflammation of the gums, where they lose the pinkish color. With time the bleeding in the daily brushing appears frequently. The evolution is usually from gingivitis to periodontitis and the last stage -if it occurs- is pyorrhea (or widespread infection) that causes the weakening of the bone with the likely fall on many occasions of the affected parts without the need to be present cavities.

Aloe Vera y health

The minimum annual check-ups to the dentist to consult our dental health are essential. A professional oversees supervising and applying the treatments that he considers necessary. In many occasions if an excess of tartar is detected it is necessary to proceed to a cleaning of the teeth in depth to remove that excess. But a mechanical cleaning of the teeth in depth does not ensure that the diseased gum is being cleaned due to the accumulation of tartar in it.

Aloe Vera can be very useful to help improve periodontal health provided that the state of the teeth has been previously checked. It is usually a way to prevent, regenerate and eliminate bacteria that affect our gums.

The anthraquinones present in Aloe Vera help us to fight the germs that can contain our teeth. Their bactericidal and analgesic action help us a lot to be able to easily fight these bacteria that can accumulate in our gums. The fluoride in toothpastes is something that sells a lot, but there are few people who need fluoride for teeth, so in periodontal or gum health have always used mouthwashes or rinses, which are bactericides to kill these bacteria that accumulate in the teeth. Aloe Vera has the advantage of being a powerful natural bactericide to kill them.

Streptecocus mutans, the tartar-causing bacteria, can be combated with Aloe Vera because of the above and offers protection against caries caused by this bacterium.

How to use Aloe Vera in the mouth?

It can be used from the plant itself, removing the bark, cleaning well the internal gel to remove the aloin and rubbing the gel by the gums and teeth every day, then you can ingest the piece of pulp for greater benefits. You can also gargle with juices, use toothpastes that come to market with Aloe Vera, etc.

Source: www.aloe-vera.es